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Here is a fun activity for the entire family to do while we wait for the restrictions to loosen up a little. Why not spend time in creating a Clay Gingerbread house using all these fun products available at Oomomo.

All you need is

1.       Clay

2.       Card

3.       Cotton

4.       Scale

5.       Spatula or spoon to shape the clay

6.       And some creativity!


This clay is sure to get your creative ideas flowing!


Start by taking a little bit of clay and softening it in your hands. Then roll it out and begin flattening it out. Cut the excess clay off by using the handle of a spoon or a cutter and shape it in to a neat little square. Repeat this process four times. Make all the sides for the house and join them together. You many need to use additional clay to support the joint if you are making a big house. Then using a piece of card, form the roof for the house. Use clay to hold the card in place so that the roof does not fall. Give it a snowy effect but putting cotton on top of the roof.

Add details like door handles, designs and a boundary wall to give the house a complete look! You can make many designs with this clay. The only limit is your imagination!

Have fun playing and making Clay Gingerbread houses! Wishing you and your family Happy Holidays!