Some may guess perhaps it’s because the Japanese do not view this day with importance, but that’s not true at all. Valentine's Day is the ultimate time to celebrate love and show appreciation to loved ones. Yes that’s right! You don’t have to be in a romantic relationship to receive chocolate in Japan. Here’s something to look out for though. In western culture, there are lots of gift options for Valentine's Day- flowers, jewelry, or even fashion items. However in Japan, the traditional way that Valentine's Day is celebrated, is for the girls to give chocolate above all else.
But not all chocolates are equal! There are two types of chocolate that women give. One is called "giri-choco". They are quick ready-made chocolates that you give to friends and family, or people that you love in a non-romantic way. "Giri" means obligation, so these chocolates are more of an obligatory gift for loved ones to show that you care.
“Honmei-chocos" however, are quite different, and only given to the ones the girls are truly romantically interested in, or their romantic partners. These chocolates are usually fancier or more expensive. Whether they are homemade or not is quite important as well, as the homemade ones usually hold more significance than store-bought counterparts, no matter how fancy. Whenever Valentine's Day is near in Japan, confectionery shops are filled with chocolate making supplies and cute gift wraps so that honmei-chocolates can be made. You’ll be amazing how packed the stores get!
Although it seems like Valentine's Day is a bit one-sided in Japan, it also celebrates "White Day" the next month on March 14th. Traditionally this is the day when men will return the sentiment and do the gift-giving, and usually return the gifts three-fold. The gifts are usually not chocolate either, but can be other types of gifts.

We sell all kinds of different chocolates and chocolate-making equipment at Oomomo!
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