Rom&nd Better Than Cheek

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Color: C01 Peach Chip
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Diverse colors inspired by natural dried fruits. Gives naturally rosy cheeks. Blurring effect with powder texture. My Cheek But Better (MCBB)

Collection/Edition Description No. Color Vol/Wgt
Chip Edition Diverse colors inspired by natural dried fruit. C01 Peach Chip 4g
C02 Blueberry Chip 4g
C03 Fig Chip 4g
C04 Pear Chip 4g
Milk Edition Milky shades that create a brighter look. W01 Odi Milk 4g
W02 Strawberry Milk 4g
W03 Apricot Milk 4g
Nude Edition Rom&nd's signature muted tones with a touch of neutral nude. N01 Nutty Nude 4g
N02 Vine Nude 4g
Spring Fever Edition Clear, vivid colors reminiscent of spring sunshine, with moderate saturation. S01 Mango Chip 4g
S02 Lychee Chip 4g
x INAPSQUARE Black Spectrum Edition #B01-03: Black tones add depth and richness to the colors.
#B03 Black Balm: The color may vary based on your skin temperature, moisture level, and pH, so it may look different from the swatch image.
B01 Ginger Night 7.4g
B02 Berry Dawn 7.3g
B03 Black Balm 6.1g

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Rom&nd Better Than Eyes

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