Framing and extending the visual field, a window serves as an architectural threshold between public and private, which establishes and blurs the connection between the inner and the outer. It quietly animates the domestic scene with a sense of openness while diluting the distraction from the outside. Weaving the relativity of experience, it harmonizes the desire to wander and the need to rest, whose inbetweenness breathes worldly lyrics into the cozy introspection of home. With its property to shield and protect, we can comfortably relax into the lingering inertia of daily occurrences such as curling up by the window like a house cat or basking in the sun daydreaming. The simple pleasures afforded by the aperture make the ordinary sublime.


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The Art of Balance

As September unfolds, Japan honors the delicate balance of nature with the autumnal equinox, a moment when day and night stand equal.

Bath Ritua

Mood of Moments
Japanese Stationery Fest 2024

Japanese Stationery Fest 2024

Stationery Fest